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change in skull-yellow lab

18 15:11:32

We are caring for a female, yellow lab, spayed, 2 1/2 years old. Other than being spayed she has never had health care. The neighbors next door just leave her to fend for herself.We have been feeding her, showing her affection. Suddenly there is a change in her skull.There is a cavity or depression above her eye in the soft tissue area and below the eye. There is no wound, no blood, and her eye appears sunken. She is a wonderful dog. She is kind and affectionate. The only behavior change we have noticed is she puts her entire paw in her ear. It's not really a scratching motion though. Please help.

I don't know how much help I can be. You are in a predicament here.
There are so many things that can cause this to happen, Myasthenia Gravis is one, muscular problems, MD in dogs, a nerve problem, etc.

This is just one of those situations that you have to take the dog into a vet for. There is no telling what this is online.
You can always repost it to the question pool for the veterinarians to look at. That is one way that you might be given some ideas of what it might be.

As a technician I cannot and will not diagnose anything anyway. But this is one of those cases I cannot even guess at.
I am sorry I cannot be of more help.