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Elderly Dog Surgery

18 15:05:57

Our dog of 15 years, mixed breed, 30#, has a perianal tumor that has now grown inside. It has been controlled with antibiotics several times and surgery once before many years ago, (I think,can't say for certain it was for same exact issue.) It keeps becoming infected and oozing a LOT, obviously uncomfortable for him. He has lost most of his hearing and has a collapsing trachea. He is otherwise in great spirits, not arthritic, goes for usual walks, jumps up on couch, eating normally, fiesty, etc. Upon consideration of surgery to remove tumor, 3 of 4 liver tests came back less than optimum, but not liver failure. Vet thinks he'll get through anesthesia but not making promises about risks and maybe losing something else as a result. Looking for opinion on risks of surgery vs. quality of life dealing with tumor growth, pain, etc.?

Well this is a tough call for sure. The problem with these tumors is that they do come back.
If he was my dog I would would have a hard choice with this one. If he has the surgery, the removal will probably last longer than he will. If you don't, it could be a matter of months and then it will be unbearable for him and you both. Usually what happens is that the tumors get so large they block off the colon. Not a good thing.

At his age and with a collapsing trachea to boot, you are really going to have to think about this. All surgeries are risky, and he may not do well with anesthesia at his age. Most of the time they do well, but it is a big risk for him.

I cannot help you make this choice, but I am sure which ever you decide will be the right one. One thing I know for sure is what ever you choose, do not second guess yourself. If you opt for no surgery now you can always change your mind in a week or so. But if you have it done and he doesn't make it, well, you cannot reverse that.

Good luck to you both. 15 is very old and he has had a great life thanks to you!!