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Kitten being Sedated

18 16:07:01

I took my kitten who is just a few weeks over a year old to the vet yesterday. She needed her vaccinations and tests done, they weighed her but when they tried to take blood she didn't want them to touch her back paw because she had hurt it. She freaked out and they automatically sedated her. After I picked her up yesterday she was still woozy. Now she is hiding under a blanket and won't let anyone touch her. She is even hissing and clawing at my mom, something she never did before, not even when she was really mad. I am just wondering if this is normal or if there is something else wrong or they did something else to make her react this way. Thank you, Colleen

Hi Colleen,

First off, as an owner you had every RIGHT to DENY the vet to continue to work on your pet that day.  NO cat should get that stressed to be worked on. It can actually kill them.

It is normal to be wozy from sedation, especially if Telezol or Ketamine/Valium is used (primitive forms of sedation in they eyes of cats only vets). Sedative like a COMBO of Domitor/Ketamine/Torbugesic are friendlier and they are REVERSABLE.  Another sedative that is great is called Propoflo.

Your cat is stressed and has had a bad experience. There are more than ONE way to draw blood on a cat. You don't necessarily have to use the back leg.  I would not be surprised if she hated to go to the vet from now on.

Give her a few days, if she is not better, call your vet and explain that you are unhappy with the situation and you should have had things explained to you better.  Just make sure she is eating and using the potty box. But leave her alone for a few days.

BTW- did your cat have an IV catheter placed while sedated? Sedation is just as risky as anesthesia, in fact its the precursor used before full anesthesia is administered.

Hope this helps some!