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Cat reclaiming its territory

18 15:19:56

When we last went on vacation(for a month) my cat was cared for by my daughter at her house.
When we brought the cat home he was savaged by local cats and it took some weeks before he reclaimed the back and front yards as his territory.
We are about to go away again for a fortnight.
Is there way we can prevent a repeat of the savaging by neighboring cats?
Thank you

Judith -

I am not sure I am understanding what you mean by "savaging" by other cat.  Do you mean that the other cats are fighting him when he goes outside?  Unfortunately, this may be hard to avoid if you continue to keep the cat outside.  If you have to leave him again, is it possible for someone reliable to stay at your  house with him?  That way he will not have to fight to regain his territory.  

Remember, fighting is a way in which disease is transferred from cat to cat. Scratching, biting and exchange of saliva are a means to transfer viral diseases from one cat to another. Your cat can be infected with feline leukemia virus or feline aids  if he continues to fight with cats in the neighborhood.  

See you veterinarian to have him tested for the previously mentioned diseases.  If he has not already been infected with FIV or FeLV, then he can be given vaccines that can provide protection against these diseases.