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heat cycle

18 14:54:45

Hi...after a dog gives birth and unfortunately it was stillborn, how long before she cycles again.  we would just like to be prepared.
thank you

I want to deeply apologize for my terse response. I had 10 people in a row ask questions about breeding who obviously had no experience and I had three people in my class from shelters and rescues.
It was unprofessional of me to take it out on you. I am trying to get the message across to people about really being responsible for their puppies, for as you know (now that I know more about you) so many, even purebreds are being turned into the shelters because of people losing their homes and rentals not allowing their animals in. So sad.

I did check with some of my colleagues who work more with breeders than I do and they said that the heat cycle should be regular, so it could happen whenever she would have been due. Some dogs, as you know, cycle every 6 months, others every 24 months and everything in between.

Please, do not let this experience with me sour you on the all experts, as I have used other areas with success.

If you have any interest in the holistic modalities for health support that I am knowledgeable in, write back here or to

Again, my apologies,
Dr. Chambreau