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i was wondering what might...

18 16:07:48

i was wondering what might be some of the causes in loss of appetite in a
2 year old dog who exhibits the following behaviors:  normal activity and
enthusiasm and playfulness, regular bowel movements, eats a treat when
given, chews on bones, has not had a change in food, and shows little or
no interest in eating either of her two meals a day.  i've added chicken
baby food and/or chicken broth to add flavor.  she often won't even
approach the bowl at mealtime.  she will however, eat about 1/4 of her
usual daily food.  also, at the same time she discovered eating brown dry
grass (that's all there is here) and all this has been going on for a
week.  Thanks so much.  

There are so many reasons for the lack of appetite.  You should have the vet examine your dog to see if there is some kind of underlying medical problem.  From your description, if she is having bowel movements and not losing weight.  She may be getting enough food to sustain her.