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Pain in Pug

18 14:47:14

Our daughter has a 4 year old Pug that I am sitting for the next week, and has been in periodic pain for a couple of months.  It seems to be in the hind thigh or leg area.  In the morning he is ready to go and active, then will become lame and sensitive to touch in the hind area, even slight touch.  No other signs of illness. Can we give him Tylenol, how much?   What is your thought on his condition?

Bill -

Do not give the dog Tylenol.  Dogs do not metabolize human nsaids well - Tylenol may cause liver problems in the dog.  

Take her to a veterinarian and have her examined. The vet can recommend medication that can help relieve your dog's pain and discomfort.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM