Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > bulldog puppy with mange ; itchy bulldog ;

bulldog puppy with mange ; itchy bulldog ;

18 13:53:18

Hi I hope you can help my bulldog with mange.  The Vet has given us some medication and shampoo. How can I help my pet get better quick?  Also, can you suggest some good foods to help with his immune system.  I am feeding him Iams puppy food right now.

Thanks so much

itchy dog
itchy dog  

itchy dog
itchy dog  
Demodectic mange bulldog puppy; treatments for demodex ;  Bulldog itchy skin;

Hi Johnny,  So sorry your little bulldog has mange. I assume your Vet is treating your for Demodex type of mange or Puppy mange.  Don't worry it's common and no from dirty conditions.  Often it's because of a underdeveloped immune system.

I suggest you follow the recommendations of your Vet.  I am sure they mostly will have your pooch on Ivomec or a dip.  I am NOT fond of the pesticide dips for pups. Make sure you discuss the medication Ivomec 1 % with your Vet office.  If the mange is minor they may choose to use a spot on treatment.

Feeding your pup with a quality food is top priority.  If you can slowly change your puppy to a better quality food that would be beneficial.  Some of the brands that I refer my clients to are the following;

For the immune system please add a quality supplement to your pet's program - Many of my puppy parents use NuVET Plus Powder or wafer daily in the pet's food.  NuVET Plus will strengthen the immune system to help fight off the mange mite.  The medications ( pesticides) used in treating Mange are very harsh on the immune system.  For this reason a good supplement is needed.

See here and tell them Pet Nurse Marie sent you order code 81098

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