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Putting down very old dog

18 15:46:11

We have a Cocker Spaniel who is now 16 years old.  He is deaf and most recently became totally blind.  Our Vet said he also has conjestive heart disease.  He has started running into things and falling down steps so we know it's time.  He's been a part of this family for so long, none of us have the courage to take him mainly because we know how upset he gets just going in the door of the vets office.  My question.....If he were sound asleep via valium for humans when we took him (so he wouldn't know where he was) would the valium hurt him in any way other than putting him to sleep?  Any advice you can offer would be most appreciated.  Thanks

there are a couple options for euthanasia.

You can ask your vet for a sedative before you bring him into the office for the euthanasia.

You can ask your vet for a home visit and have him put to sleep at home.

Unfortunatley for complete euthanasia you need that barbituate overdose via the vein to stop the heart and breathing. They do go under anesthesia first so it is very peaceful.

Your family is in my thoughts.