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dodgs toe and nail

18 15:01:26

I have a shi-a-poo and last weekend he seem to have hurt his paw. it was bleeding and he was limping around. i took him to the vet and she really did no look because it hurt him to touch his paw. she has me soaking it in Epson salt an now his toe nail looks longer than his paw and it is almost turned 180 degrees. it is still bleeding to . what should i do?

I am not sure which toe nail you mean. His toe nails will be longer than his paw, so I don't understand that either. But if he is still bleeding he needs to go back to vet's because she needs to check his toenail and his foot. She may have to sedate him to do so, but if she doesn't, he could end up losing a toe.
I have seen many an infected toenail turn into a swollen toe we were unable to save.
So you need to make an appointment and take him back.