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Something fishy

18 14:11:57

Hi there,
I'm not sure if you can help with my question.  My 2 year old cocker spaniel has a fishy smell about him.  It's happened before and the vet said it was his anal glands and we gave it a couple of days and it cleared.  We/the vet did not express his glands.  Months and months later, it has happened again.  I am wondering whether there is anything that helps express the glands naturally and what might cause it?  Is it something to do with his diet that means they aren't being expressed during his bowel movement?  As it went away naturally before, I am reluctant to try anything medically this time too.

In my experience, anal glands do NOT smell like fish, but to some people they might. Sometimes just enough of it leaks out to smell that way. Sometimes it's their breath too. That again, is diet related.

I would take him to a groomer and have her bathe him and express his glands. But find one that your friends use and have good things to say about them. Bad groomers are worse than bad vets. You could also have the vet teach you how to do it yourself. It really isn't difficult, just messy and smelly.

Diet does have a lot to do with it, as well as his skin health. His skin could be emitting this smell as well. Cockers are notorious for skin issues and most are diet related.

You didn't mention what he eats so I cannot comment on that.I don't understand why the vet didn't express the glands for you. Maybe he felt that they weren't full enough.

So let me know what kind of food he eats, and if he scoots now and then on the carpets. That is a sign that his anal glands are bothering him.