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Itching, sores, dry skin, hair loss in 4 month old tea cup pomeranian

18 15:24:17


This is our JuJu
Hello! We have a 4 month old Tea cup Pomeranian named JuJu and she has been scratching like CRAZY ever since we got her. We got her from a place that WAS NOT clean at all and had at least 25 puppies (different breeds) walking around their living room. (I'm not sure if it was a puppy mill or not) The Owner of her said she was her moms 2nd litter. Anyways, she is scratching like crazy and has lost her hair around her elbows, bottom legs, belly, and losing it from her sides. She also has these bumps (you can feel) that are red and scaley. I'm really concerned right now b/c I was reading about mange and how it can be contagious to children and humans. I have 2 small children and do not want them to contract anything! I  had taken her to the vet a week after we got her and mentioned about the scratching. He said it could be an allergy and gave her a shot of something. Well, it didn't help. I had an appt. today to take her to get it checked, but had to cancel due to blizzard outside. Please tell me  you could possibly help me determine what it may be!!!! I wasn't sure if it could be like a staph infection in puppies, or mange, or if it was just an allergy. The type of food she eats is Royal Canine indoor toy formula. Please please PLEASE help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Parasites such as mange are a possibility in puppies and can be tested for by your veterinarian doing skin scrapings.  Fleas also can lead to intense scratching and scabbing and they are diagnosed by finding the fleas or their droppings.

If she is negative for one of these problems skin infection is possible as is allergy.  She does seem a bit young to have exhibited such a strong food allergy, however other allergies can exist to both inhaled and contacted substances.

Given the concern over the source where she was obtained I would begin by having her tested for the parasites and if she is negative for them concentrate on finding the source of infection or allergy.  If you have any questions regarding what your veterinarian finds please let me know.

Apologies for this delayed response.  I was unexpectedly unavailable due to a family emergency.