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Distemper/Kennel Cough

18 15:16:44

I adopted a bulldog from the vet about a month ago. The dog was very sick and the vet informed me that he either had distemper or a bad case of kennel cough. Unfortunately we were forced to put the poor dog to sleep because the vet felt he was suffering.
We have a full grown fully vaccinated lab. The lab has been staying at our parents house since the dog was brought home and has not been back to our house. We are so concerned that the healthy lab will catch what the bulldog had. We are wondering if the dog had a bad case of kennel cough because no other dogs at the shelter where we adopted him have been found sick.
I want to know if there is any cleaner we can put on the floors/couch etc that will disinfect where the sick dog has been. We would like to bring our lab back home as soon as possible, but do not want to put him at risk.

Thank you for you help!

Esther -

You can clean the floors with a 1:32 dilution of bleach (1/2 cup bleach to gallon of water).  The couch can be cleaned with a bleach like disinfectant that can be applied to furniture.  

If your dog has been vaccinated  his risk of contracting kennel cough is minimal.  If he develops symptoms, they will most likely be mild.  

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM