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cat acts dizzy and shakey-inner ear/vertigo??

18 16:04:10

Could this be an inner ear problem or vertigo?
1 year old neutered male dsh cat. Once a couple of months ago and once again 2 weeks ago. Symptoms are worse the first day and gone within 3 days. He can not walk straight, seems disoriented. Lets me hold him (which he normally doesn't like). rear legs trembled while being held. Can't jump from the coffee table to the couch (18 inches or less) without falling. Took him to vet first time it happened but symptoms had subsided and nothing wrong was found. Thank you

Has the kitten been tested for Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus? Those can cause inner ear problems.  Ask your vet if your kitty has an eardrum or if it is ruptured.  It is hard to determine that sometimes.  Middle ear disease can cause vertigo in cats.