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Getting a dog spayed

18 15:47:58

I was wondering if you'd be able to tell me an approximate amount that it would cost me to get my female black lab fixed. We live in a neighborhood that has a few stray/loose dogs and I don't want her to be beckoning them when she is in heat. Also, with this specific breed, I was wondering if there are any particular health problems that are known among this breed. Thanks so much.  

it depends on the area you live in for cost.

DO NOT SKIMP ON A SPAY COST. Find out what you get in the cost, such as bloodwork (which absoloutly should be done before hand) an IV catherter, and IV fluids during the procedure, before and after and to go home pain managment too!)

Labs are prone too:

hip dysplaysia
degenerative joint disease
lipoma tumors
cushings disease
periodontal disease

lots of stuff! :)