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Dog Cancer

18 15:13:16

How do i know if my dog has cancer?  hes been slowing down a lot and doesn't eat nearly as much as he used to.  Hes a 10 year old pug and i don't know what the signs are.  I read that slowing down and loss of appetite are signs of cancer but i cant distinguish whether or not he is just getting old or if hes severely sick!....what do you think i should do?  my vet did some blood work and noticed all of his levels were fine but he has slightly elevated WBC levels hinting he might be a little sick.  The vet didnt mention cancer or anything and said he "would rather treat the dog then treat the numbers"...he told me to see how things progress in the next couple of weeks...I would really appreciate your opinion.

I agree with your veterinarian to treat the dog and not the numbers. As a conventional one, I just had to wait until they became more ill and showed symptoms. Now, as an integrative veterinarian I can start treating dogs who have slowed down and eat less. There are a huge number of things you can do. First - no more vaccines (unless he is healthy enough for the legally required Rabies every 3 years and you use Reiki that you can learn to avoid complications from it).
Next, switch to a raw meat and pureed vegetable diet (many places on the web to get guidance on this). Then find a holistic practitioner who treats dogs - does not have to be a veterinarian.

Keep a journal ( to tell if something is deeply helping him or merely temporarily helping him.

You can learn flower essence therapy, massage, Reiki, HTA, aroma therapy and more that may help him.

To find a holistic veterinarian you can try or if you want to speak with a practitioner who can help you decide which approach is best for your dog, call the Veterinary Advice Line, part of the legal advice line or go to for a lot of articles.

Good luck, and thank you for being sensitive enough to your dog to realize he is not that healthy right now. I would not particularly worry about cancer, just ill energy field.
Dr. Chambreau