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get rid of tear stains ; boxer tear stains,

18 13:53:01

Thank you for taking my question.
My Boxer has stains that run down his eyes and into his face folds.
He eats a good grain free food. What can I do to get rid of the stains.
I use J & J baby shampoo on his face

Hello Cindy,
Boxer with tear stains; Yeast stains in canine;

Here is a helpful article that I wrote on this very subject -  Please visit here

My Article gets into depth on Causes and Tips :

Tear Stain Causes
Physical characteristics, such as long hair on the muzzle or around the eyes, deep facial wrinkles, blocked tear ducts or bulging eyes can cause tear stains. Biological causes of red tear stains include red yeast, various eye and ear infections and pH imbalance. Red tear stains can also be caused by environmental factors, such as plastic food or water bowls and minerals in the water your dog drinks.