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Rabies vaccines

18 15:04:57

My husband got really badly dog bitten today and had to go to the hospital for treatment. The owner of the dog said it had gotten a rabies vaccination 3 days ago. My question is, can my husband catch rabies from this dog as I believe the vaccine is still in it's blood and can be transmitted to my husband through it's bite. Please please advise as I am very worried. Thanks in advance.

If the dog has had a rabies vaccine previously in its life, then the chances of the dog being rabid are extremely small. They will quarrantine the dog for 10 days to observe for any signs of rabies.  If 10 days go by and the dog is fine then there is virtually no chance of your husband being infected.  Of course, pother infections are possible, so his physician will take precautions to prevent bacterial infections in the wound.