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Guinea pigs teeth

18 15:56:00

Hello, and thank you for your time.  My daughter has a guinea pig and this weekend when she went to put him down he jumped out of her hands.  It sounded like he hit pretty hard but ran right off like nothing had happened.  There was no blood or sign of injury, at the time.  Now 2 days later, I go to give him some apples to eat and I notice he has no 2 top front teeth.  He is unable to grab the apple from me as normal, I also notice a very tiny cut on his lip.  He ate his normal pellet food, and drank all his water.  My question is should I be concerned about this for the future and will he be alright?  I also know there teeth are constently growing so will they come back or will he always have no top front teeth?  Thanks again, Tanya

Hi Tanya!  I would not be concerned.  You are right, their teeth are constantly growing, and those two top front teeth will grow back very soon.  Just watch the cut on his lip for signs of infection (redness, swelling, discharge) and to prevent infection, keep him clean and his cage very clean.  Those teeth will be back before you know it!