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Why does my puppy...??

18 16:08:21

Ever since I got my puppy, I've noticed she poops alot. I never really counted the times until this weekend. For Friday, we got 8 times and saturday, 6 times. I just wanted to know if this was normal. She always "goes" after eating (we feed her 3 times a day) so I figured she would have gotten rid of whatever waste was in her but she always seems to have more. Also, I read somewhere to give a puppy his last meal at about 7pm so it would help to minimize the times in which you had to take him out at night. I tried that and between 11:30pm and 9:30am, there were three more stools. Is there anything to worry about or am I just making a big deal out of nothing?

Yes this is normal...just like babies their intestinal tract is not fully developed and what goes in, comes out, you just aren't changing the diapers.  The other thing to consider is diet quality as lower quality diets will cause more stool volume than premium food.  By 6 months she should be on a schedule and only go about twice a day.