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My cat need help

18 14:06:57

My cat has a pretty deep cut I was not home my mom seen my cat had a knot n tried cutting it out my cat moved n she accidentally cut him she was so upset n didn't want to say anything to me until I got home now it's a week later and I am now just seeing this and I'm so upset I am calling the vet in the morning is there anything I should be doing besides that n do us have any idea how much this would cost it's down a layer the skin is all gone please help I am going to bring him to vet in morning I'm just worried about how much it will cost do u have any idea

First if all, calm down and please use some punctuation so I can read this! Your cat will be fine.
My daughter did the same thing to her cat and I super glued it back together which is what the vet might do as well. HOWEVER, it wasn't a week old. That has given it time to get infected, so there may be more to it than just gluing it.

He might need some antibiotics, he might not. I have no way of knowing what it will cost since every vet's prices are different all over the country and the world. Could be $50, could be $200!
You need to ASK them for an estimate when you get there, but you definitely need to take him in since it's been a week.

Just be sure to ask up front and tell them you cannot afford a huge bill. Hopefully your mom will pay for half. Ask her before you get to the vets.

But he will be fine. Just do what the vet says as far as cleaning it or giving him his medication if he gets some.