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aloe vera juice

18 15:22:43

My 16 yr old cat, Binky, has had gingivitis since age 8, and was under a vets care till my husband became disabled and couldnt work anymore. I cannot afford a vet.I have tried various wet foods and he is able to tolerate red groundbeef the best. He inow in a lot of pain. Euthenasia is not an option. I bought a jug of aloe vera juice and have been giving him 3 cc's twice a day. Aloe vera is suppose to alleviate inflammation and pain. Am I doing the right thing? Can you advise a home remedy that may vnquish the pain, at least? He and I are desperate for  a pain killer. He is everything to me. I love him desperatly and tell him this all the time with words and kisses. He returns my affection. We LOVE each other. Please reply soon.


If your cat was under a vets care what was he doing for the gingivitis?
Aloe vera will most likely help with the inflammation but it will do nothing for the pain. Again, what did the other vet do for his pain?
I don't understand why you can't at least continue to keep up the care that he was getting, whether it be oral washes or something that he had to have given you for his gums.

Gingivitis is very painful and there is no 'cure.' The only thing you can do is pull the teeth or keep the cat on antibiotics. There really is nothing else you can do. I don't recommend any kind of alternatives because cats are so sensitive to so many things. Many things that are okay for us or a dog are fatal to a cat.

At 16 your Binky is the equivalent to about a 97 yr old man. He will not get any better without some medical intervention.
While I do understand the financial issues you are having your love for your cat and his for you should make his health and most of all, his quality of life as pain free as possible.

I am sure if you went to your old vet that he would have something low cost for his pain or at least a suggestion.

If you cannot alleviate his pain you will have to ask yourself if you are doing the right thing by letting him continue in pain, first and foremost. That is what it means to be a loving pet owner- giving them the gift of not having to be in pain.

So ask your vet what it is you can do, even over the phone if need be.
I can't suggest anything else other than that.
I am sorry he is hurting, I really am.