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What Breed?

18 15:50:03

My wife's parents are in the 70's and would like to get another dog, their previous one died. They need a breed that is affectionate,gentle, requires not alot of exercise, gets along with cats and grandchildren. They live in Vt. but it would be hard for them to get the dog out for a long walk every day. Is there a breed that is suited to the elderly that would give them affection and companionship? Thanks for any help.  Bill

A small dog such as a Papillon, Poodle, ShihTzu, Maltese, Boston Terrier, Pekepoo, Pug, Bichon...would be a place to start.  Some smaller dogs require professional grooming every 6-8 weeks which is a consideration.  Also, the individual dog's personality will be unique and doesn't always follow the breed-standard.  Most dogs like cats, but it is the cats that often don't like the dogs. is an internet rescue site that I would encourage you to visit when looking for a dog.  I would also recommend researching the breeds further before committing to one breed.

This website has a few questions to answer and does a search of dog breeds based on your answers....