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Chlamydea in cats?

18 15:50:03

I called a vet to see about shots for my kitten. The woman who answered the phone (not the vet) told me (among other things) she needs to be vacinated for Chlamydea. I questioned that because as far as I know, it's a sexually transmitted disease in humans. She said it is feline leukemia. Is that correct?

Chlamydia is NOT feline leukemia.  There are many types of chlamydia organisms, one of which causes a venereal disease.  Other types can cause trachoma in people, which is a disease that can cause blindness.  But in cats, it usually causes a disease called pneumonitis, which is an upper respiratory infection often causing a watery or pus filled eye and sneezing. Vaccination is somewhat effective, but not always.  Teatment is fairly easy with a drug called azithromycin.  Ask your vet about that.