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fleas and ticks

18 15:56:22


I have just taken my new puppy to the vet 6 days ago for her first vac. she is 10 weeks old. She was checked out quickly and given a clean bill of health. The vet checked out her skin but did not say anything. In the last day or two she has been biting a lot at her back theighs and back paws and backside. She wimpers and cries while she is biting at herself. She does not have any problem with her bowels and/or bladder. I looked for ticks and any redness or bumps but I cannot see anything. She has not been around any dogs or cats, as I am careful to keep her away from them until her next set of shots in 3 weeks. Is it possible for her to have fleas and I do not see them. What is the best remedy? Should I try a flea shampoo? Will it hurt her if she does not have fleas?  Thank you for your helpful advise.

When you don't see any fleas, there could still be flea bites, which can last for weeks.  Also, many pups with sarcoptic mange have severe itching and you will never see these little bugs that live just under the skin.  Ask your vet to dip the puppy in something to kill sarcoptic mites and see if that makes a difference.