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my guinea pig is acting drunk! =(

18 15:03:02

something's wrong with my guinea pig, he was fine for a long time, then this morning my dad tells me to check him out. so i look and i see his head tilted to one side, and the eye that's facing up is the only eye he seems to be able to want to look at things with, even though it's pointed to the very top left corner *at all times* it won't move. and he cant seem to walk straight, he keeps falling and wakls around in circles, and constantly is moving his head side to side and up and down, even around in circles. please help

He probably has an inner ear inflammation or infection. You have two choices:
1. Go to a regular veterinarian for antibiotics and maybe steroids. You need one who knows about cavies as they cannot have any penicillin type antibiotics. If you do, also get some probiotics to help him deal with the drugs - Mitomax is good ( or acidophillus from health food store. Most regular clinics say that most pigs die with this.
2. Another option is to consult with an integrative veterinarian to both cure this problem and prevent a lot of future problems. Dr. Yearout in WA (425-334-8171)can consult by phone and he is a WONDERFUL veterinarian who knows a lot about these wonderful little guys.

Dr. Chambreau