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1yr old Siberian Husky

18 15:06:15

Hello, I have a (almost) 1yr old Siberian.  The last few days I've noticed him taking longer to poop, than usual.  He'll stand there like he's trying to go, and he goes, but even after he appears to be done... he stands there some more like he still has to go.  Literally will sit there doing that for 5-6min.  
Tonight, things seem to have progressed, whatever it is.  He is usually very energetic, and will play any time of day.  However, tonight he seems wore out, and very submissive.  I can watch him breathe, and every few seconds it's as if his abdomen/colon seem to spasm... only thing I can compare it to is the dry heaves one might get when they're sick.  His are in the "rear" though.  

He has had all his shots, heartworm, rabies, etc.  I've been feeding him a mix of Iams, and Nurticia (something like that), as well as a can of food once a week.

Any ideas on what this problem may be, and what action should I take?  I'm going to get him in to the Vet asap, but they're usually always a couple weeks out.

Thanks in Advance,
Best Regards,
James and Sabre

You didn't mention whether or not you give this dog treats, bones or anything like that. It sounds like he is having some intestinal spasms, which can be very painful. Deep or fast breathing can be indicative of pain in dogs.

Something he ate may have started this. He may also have a virus or be coming down with some gastro-enteritis. I know you are going to get him into the vets, but do not wait two weeks. If they are that busy they need another vet or you should find another vet.

I don't know what Nutricia is but I found out that Iams is no longer using fixed formulation to make their food which means that the formula changes from bag to bag and this can cause intestinal distress for some dogs.

If you dog develops diarrhea, vomiting or anything like that I would get her in as soon as you can.

Otherwise, you could try some Immodium with him and see if it helps with the spasms. Just give him a child's dose of it.

I hope he recovers soon.