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Reaction to rabies,dist,hep,lep,par,parvo etc.

18 15:53:09

We have a Westie, and a westie mix (from a westie rescue)We took them to the doctors for shots. Yesterday our full blooded westie looked like he was having a reaction the dist,hep,lep,par vaccination shot, this happened before. He acts as if he was hit and rolled over. Cannot climb steps, is listless, will not eat or drink. Lays around. Today the rescued westie is the same. Our full blooded westie is much better today. the other is acting like our full blooded westie did yesterday. Is this normal for westies to act after a vaccination?  

Mild fever and lethargy can be expected.  But this sounds a bit more.  You can try giving him ASPIRIN....5 mg per pound of weight twice a day (as long as he is not on any other non-steroidal medication or steroids)....about one baby aspirin per 15 pounds.   And I would report the reaction to your veterinarian.

I would recommend discontinuing the LEPTO part of the vaccine next year and pre-treating him with BEANADRYL about 45 minutes before vaccines.  IN addition, you may want to consider splitting vaccines and only doing one vaccine at a time.