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painful uterine spasms during menstrual cycles

18 14:04:48

Dear Dr. Eloise,
       I own a 7 year old pomeranian dog, vaccinated as per schedule, with a past history (3 years ago) of minimal crusting around 5 nipples and adhesion of circumferential hairs and skin to the nipple. I had consulted a veterinary expert, who said that it was a false pregnancy sign.
  She never had any episodes of pseudo-pregnancy ever since, but now she is undergoing her menstrual cycle and seems to be in great distress. She has a thin build, and I can visualize her uterine spasmodic contractions at well placed intervals. This is first time she has experienced this. I would be extremely grateful if you would kindly offer your opinion and advice.

Thanking you,
Dr. Srikar

Hi there,
When did she first start showing signs of coming on heat? I would be a little worried that she has a pyometra or endometriosis if she is painful. Has she got a normal temperature? Is she eating? Do you have a local vet you can take her to, to get her examined?
