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twisted stomach

18 14:04:28

her laying down
her laying down  
QUESTION: I think my dog may have a twisted stomach. Although, she does not puke she is bloated. Please help me. She's only six weeks old.

ANSWER: A twisted stomach is a TRUE MEDICAL EMERGENCY. If your dog is still alive after reading this then she doesn't have a twisted stomach but she could be having a worm overload issue.
Twisted stomachs come shortly after a deep chested type dog eats a big meal then drinks a lot of water. Their stomach can bloat up and twist in their body, causing a huge bloated belly. The dog will attempt to vomit but will not be able to. They usually go into shock shortly after and will die if not treated surgically right away.

If she is truly bloated from a twisted stomach she needs to see a vet IMMEDIATELY. If she has been this way for a few days then you need to get her into a vet office first thing in the morning.

She could be having liver problems, worms, or any other number of problems that only a vet can tell you. Puppies can get any of these problems. Twisted stomachs are much more uncommon in puppies.

Either way, please get her into the vets right away.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: We gave her gas X and it went away.. Is that good or bad

First of all, you should never give human medicines to pets without consulting a veterinarian.
I'm glad she's less bloated but the cause hasn't been addressed.
Don't feed her human food and if you do then stop. She still needs to see a vet and be treated for worms. Has she been vaccinated?
She needs those and she needs monthly heartworm prevention.

If you don't get her in and treated for worms she will most likely not thrive.
So please get her in to be seen.