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fussy kitten

18 14:05:43

hello :)

I have two 5-6 month old pure ragdoll kittens, de-sexed, wormed etc....

one of these kittens loves dry food and wet food
the other kitten has refused to touch dry food since we got him at 8 weeks old...

we have tried mixing his wet food and dry food together, we have tried softening the dry food, and we have tried withhold wet food for a day before giving in to his cries...

is there any tips at all on how we could get our kitten to eat dry food (as well as wet still,  we simple cant afford to feed only wet food 3-4 times a day)

Hi Benjamin,
Some cats are like people and do like certain foods, but changing the food frequently will cause fussiness in most pets.

They realize if they hold out that all they need to do is wait a bit and you will give in and change the food.

What are you feeding them? The quality of the food could have a lot to do with it as well.
All cats and dogs eat to meet their energy needs, not so much for taste. Taste just gets them to eat what is essentially not a "normal" food for a cat. But if you are feeding cheap grocery store food it's not going to fill the energy needs of these kittens, and one kitten might know that more instinctively than the other one.

Let me know what food you feed and I will give you some suggestions.
You might also want to have the vet look at his teeth and make sure that his adult teeth are all in but also that the baby teeth are gone.
If he has some retained teeth that can cause problems when they eat dry food as it hurts more with the dry then wet food.

For now, don't withhold his food. Just feed him less and less canned (over the course of a week or so) until his only choice is the dry. Sometimes that works, but don't give in so readily. Very few cats will starve themselves to avoid dry food- however if he has a dental issue he will avoid it all costs.

So it's important to get him in to see the vet- and let me know what type of dry food you are feeding- or attempting to feed.