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foreign object in stomach

18 15:54:57

We have a 5 month old chuhuahua named Radar. Radar is 3 pounds.  Radar started throwing up food once a day every day just after eating lunch meat or chicken.  After 4 days we took him to our vet.  The xray showed a very small piece of metal in his esophagas (size of a pen head). Vet didn't think this was a problem.  There is another large whitw mass in his stomach, which they believe is something Radar ate (rag or string)? They ram dye and said that the dye made it through the stomach, but was very slow.  Radar only throws uo biggere pieces of food like pieces of lunch meat.  He keeps down the can dog food we give him.  The vet said they would see if Radar passed whatever the object was in the next couple days.  Since the vet, Radar has not thrown up.  He does not appear sick.  He plays at 100 mph like normal.  The vet said if it didn't pass they would have to cut him from throat to tail to get it out.  Since Radar is eating OK and passing food OK, we really don't want to have surgery that extream on Radar.  The vet said it would be a very dangerous surgery since Rdar is so young and small.  What shoild we do? We just lost our 11 year old Pom and can't bear to lose another pet.  He is our baby.  This long haired chuhuahua loves everyone and does not bark.  He a great personality and we won't find another one like him.  Help!

Hi Robyn!

I am sorry about the loss of your Pomeranian doggy.

As for Radar,it doesn't sound to me right now that he really needs the surgery.He is acting normal and all.If he does start throwing up again in the next few days,then maybe he should get it done,if the vet also thinks he should.But if he stays normal like this,there's really no point of risking his little life with the surgery he probably doesn't even need,if he is still normal.Right now,I would say don't get the sugery,but if he starts acting up again,you should talk to your vet about getting it done and see what he says.Than,find it in your heart whether or not if you want to get this surgery done.I know how hard it is to chose.It's like you don't want him to get the surgery done because you don't want to risk his life.But at the same time you do want to get it done because you don't want him to be sick and suffer all the time!But,I would just wait and see what happens in the next few days and then you and your vet can decide from there.

Please,each day write to me with a follow up on how he is doing and acting up and I will help you out each day!

I hope this has been helpful and I wish you the best of luck!Please keep em posted and give Radar millions of kisses for me!Sending wagging tails your way!