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Pet responsibility and children

18 15:53:36

Dear Ellen:

I'm a freelance writer for About Families in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. I've been assigned to write an essay on pet responsibility and children.

I know that this subject is wide open. I'm looking for two basic pieces of information. 1) some ideas for parents to be responsible in teaching their children kindness to animals so that animals don't have to be put up for adoption or euthanized because it bit a child (from bringing baby home to toddler curiosity of pulling ears and tails). 2). How pets teach children responsibility.

Thank you for your help. And, may I quote you in my article? Thanks again! ~WK

PS-If you want to check out my credentials, I'm an expert in Homework/Grammar. :)

Hi there!

1.  RESPECT. its a pet, not a toy.  Gentle is the way to go. And parents need to understand and RESEARCH the kind of pet they are going to obtain.

2. As far as biting from baby being home from a hosp - you must must must prepare the pet.  That means make it part of your pregnancy. Let it explore the baby's room, let it smell the new diapers, clothing and toys you place in it. Do that daily!  Lots of TLC from BOTH parents.  ACT normal! If you get stressed, your pets will.

Comming home from hosp-have daddy or someone in the family bring a used baby blanket home for the pets to smell a day or 2 before hand.  Make sure MOM goes in the house first with NO baby. Say hello to pets and relax and allow pets to come and smell the baby ( if its a hyper dog, you most likely will need help)/ Cats usually just sniff and walk away.  MOST pets get used to the baby within a few days. But the ABSOLUT main thing is not to IGNORE that pet. Its so important. They can get jealous and resentful. And never leave the baby alone with the pet. Of course my biggest question asked to me is the cat in the basinet/crib. My answer CLOSE THE BABY ROOM DOOR!  Period.  Cats and dogs are allowed in when you are in, when you leave, so do they.

Toddler- explore the pet under CLOSE supervision.  Tell the baby easy signals. Like "do nice to the cat/dog".  never leave the toddler alone with a pet.  I have a 15 month old daughter and 5 cats, and the GET ALONG.   Children mimic their parents, they will treat the pet right if you treat it right.

Teaching responsibility for older kids.
-walk the dog
-feed the pets daily
-set aside 20 min of play time per day or grooming time
-allow them to go to the vets office to learn and listen (believe it or not, we get lots more obervation info from the kids in the family!)
-litter box chores.-scoop daily! twice daily preferably.

This teaches them dedication to a pet, or rather a special family member. This creates a very special bond that in the end,they will never forget.

I hope this helps some! Please feel free to use any information. :)