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My cat behaves strangely

18 14:55:24

my cat meow loudly, she was not meow before at all
(rarely). and when i go to check her i feel something wrong
with her legs they are open wide and i feel that they are
hurting her. she is 9 months old. i want to know what's
wrong with her.

I do not understand what you mean by her legs are wide open? Back legs or her front legs? Could she be in labor and getting ready to have kittens? Is she spayed, (neutered, fixed?).

I need a better explanation of what you are referring to. You might want to take her to see the vet and find out if she is pregnant and having kittens. That would explain the meowing and the legs apart.


Your cat is in heat. She wants to be bred by a male cat. That is why her butt is in the air and she is probably rolling around and meowing loudly.
Keep her inside so she doesn't get bred and then get her spayed as soon as she is out of heat. Her heat cycle can last for a week or so then in three weeks she will come back into heat. This continues until you get her spayed. The sooner the better!! The vet can spay her while she is in heat also.

She is not in pain, she is trying to lure a male cat to her. Please make sure she doesn't get out and get bred. Male cats can hurt them badly plus they spread disease (often fatal ones) by breeding her and biting her.

So call your vet after you read this and make an appointment to get her spayed as soon as possible.