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cat destructive chewing

18 15:55:31

Hi Hilary,

I have a 10 mo old cat who likes to chew clothes, curtains, shoelaces, stuffed animals, my wood chairs etc.  he is very adept at destroying things.  I've been tempted to boot him out, but have always kept my animals for there entire lives.  what can I do to curb his hobby.  could it be teething or a deficientcy of some kind?

Hi Fil!  You've definately got a chewer there.  People usually only hear of dogs liking to chew, but there are some cats out there that do this as well...believe me, I've got one too!
What I did for my cat, was get some dog chew toys, that were fit for a dog of a chihuahua's size.  This worked tremendously.  At about a year and a half of age, he outgrew this chewing habit, as your cat will too.  It's just frustrating until they get over it!  The chew toys will definately keep him away from chewing on your belongings.
Best of luck!