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cats not drinking water

18 15:22:16

We have 2 cats (about 18 months old, male and a female and they are not brother and sister)  They are very active and run around the house daily.  They are also using their litterbox.  We feed them canned food.  They do not drink much water, if any.  We put fresh water out but neither cat seems interested.  What can we do to get them to drink water or is their anything else we can give them to drink to prevent them from getting dehydrated.  They both just went to the vet 2 months ago and everything checkout out great.  It seems like since the weather has been getting warmer, they have lost interest in drinking water.  Thank you!

Canned food does have a significant amount of moisture incorporated to it, so it is possible that your cats' fluid needs could be not too terribly significant past what they consume with the food, depending on the specific food, volume eaten and their individual fluid requirements.  If they checked out as healthy with your veterinarian I would not be terribly concerned that their habits are problematic.

If they start to exhibit any changes or you have further concerns please let me know.  Have a lovely day.