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excessive allround hair-loss

18 14:39:48


I have a female lab, 4 years of age. She sheds moderate to excessive hair about 3 to 4 times in a year. Her vaccination and de-worming schedule is perfect and she does not show any signs of being unwell or unhappy in any way. the only thing is that I have not seen any other labs shed so much hair and so many times in an year. Is it normal?

Excessive shedding may be the result of skin disease, like allergies or low thyroid hormones.  It can also be a result of poor use of fatty acids going to the skin.  If the dog seems otherwise normal (no scratching, no pustules on the skin, no redness) then I would start Omega3 fatty acids in her diet.  Your vet will have these available for dogs. It may take 45-60 days to see any result, but continue it.  That will help strengthen the hair follicles to reduce the shedding of the undercoat.