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puppy humiliation

18 15:22:26

We have a male and a female Jack Russell Terriors. They are not related and we got them to breed. However, this is her first heat and we do not want to breed her this time. We have put little diapers on her and she runs to her kennel and will not come out. We want her to be with the family but cannot have her bleeding all over. She in fact, did the same thing when we put a little doggie coat on her. We do not know what to do. Can you give us any helpful information. She is a very prideful puppy.

Puppies have no concept of 'pride.' Only humans do. What is going on is that she is probably a bit scared of these things on her. They are foreign to her and she hears and feels them and it is frightening.
She will only bleed for about a week after her 7th day has gone by.
You are wise not to breed her yet. She shouldn't be bred until she is almost two anyway since they have not stopped growing until that age. Not growing that you can see, but inside.
Males should not be bred until two either because they are not producing good, viable sperm until then.
I never dress my dogs so I don't know what they do but she is most likely scared of the coat too.
Most owners just leave them on a little at a time until the dog gets used to them. Leave it on for about 5 minutes then take it off and reward her.
It's training just like everything else.
By the way, dogs do feel what we would call humiliation, but it has nothing to do with pride.
It is more that they feel they have let their pack owners down some how to have been made to wear these foreign things. So you need to reward her for that and then she will be happier and get over being afraid of them.