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Why did rabbit die from eye infection?

18 15:44:09

My daughters rabbit which was about 18 months died very suddenly after what appeared to be an eye infection.  The right eye developed a conjuctivitis like discharge with a swelling above the eye on Saturday, my husband cleaned out the eye and it seemed to improve, he continued cleaning it regularly on Sunday and we had an appointment to take the rabbit to the vets on Monday, but when we returned from work on Monday the rabbit had died. We brought the rabbit inside, do you think she could have overheated? or do you think the eye infection killed her.  My children are devestated and it would be good to give them a reason for their rabbits death.

Thank you  

Hi Alison!  I am so very sorry for you loss.  I know how difficult it is to lose a beloved family member.
Rabbits are very touchy with illnesses and often times spontaneously die over something that is not life threatening.  Rabbits get very stressed when ill as well.  If your rabbit was not feeling her best, she may not have been eating/drinking like she normally does, which could have caused stress on her system, along with having an infection.  There may also have been other underlying causes that had resulted in death like a heart defect, an immune deficiancy, ect.  
I wish I could be of more help.
Again, I am so sorry for your loss.