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Cat Pees everywhere

18 15:02:33

I have a cat and she is around 9 months old.  She has being peeing the sofa the carpet and I do not know how to stop her from doing that. Please help me. I want her to be an indoor cat but she wants to be an outdoor and indoor cat. She has two litter boxes , I think she gets lazy to use her litter box, that is why she pee's the house. Help

Alma -

Cats do not  urinate on your sofa or on the carpet because they are too "lazy" to use the litter box.  They would much rather use the litter box than your sofa, but will use your sofa or carpet to help you understand that there is something bothering them  Most often, they will urinate inappropriately because they have bladder infections; sometimes they will use the sofa to bring your attentions that the litter box is dirty.  

You should have at least two litter boxes if you have one cat. You should always have one extra litter box per the number of cats you have.  That is, if you have three cats, then you should have four litter boxes. If you have two cats, then you should have three litter boxes.  

Cats should always have access to fresh water and they should be fed a high quality diet. In my experience, cats that are fed the cheaper foods tend to have more urinary issues.  

Have your cat examined by a doctor as soon as possible.  She may have something as simple as a bladder infection and that is relatively easy to treat.  The longer you wait, the more likely your cat will make bad habits of urinating all over the house.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM