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small animal, hampster

18 15:48:47

Our teddybear hampster is two years old and has always been in good health. Recently we noticed her tail was wet which we thought could be "wet tail".
Two weeks ago we gave her an over the counter wet tail medician, which did not seem to help her.  Now she is weak, wobblely, ears back, thin and for some reason she is all puffy, especiallly around her front legs. She was eating up until two days ago.
My question; is she suffering from a reaction to the medician, needs more treatment or is she just showing symtoms of old age. Thank-you. Melita and kids.  

Hi Melita!
Unfortunately, hamsters have very short life spans....1-2 years.  Being that your hamster is 2 years old, this may be her age showing.
It is, however, possible that she does have wet tail and simply needs a stronger medication.  If you have a veterinarian in your area that will see hamsters, you may want him to take a look to see what can be done.
I wish I could be of more help.
Please let me know how it goes,