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Accidental dog mating

18 14:07:56

I recently accidently left my female pug with my male german sheaperd and male daschund . My pug has her peroids for the past 11 days so i know that she is fertile . I firstly want to ask that can the two males mate with a pug as my pug was hyperventilating and her fur on the back was wet . What signs can i see that matting has occured . Secondly her periods are still going on , could this throw some light on the matter

There is no question that they bred her. She was probably bred by both dogs. My suggestion would be that you get her spayed as soon as she is out of heat, in another week and a half.

Otherwise she will be having some very odd looking puppies that might be too big for her to even have.

I am only going by what you told me. Two male dogs with one female in heat are bound to breed her. You said her back was wet. Well, that happens often when they are being bred.
She will still be in heat for another 8 days or so, since you said she was 11 days into her heat. You asked for signs that she was bred then you asked me why I came to that conclusion.

Hyperventilation is another sign that something was going on, wouldn't you say?

A dogs estrus, or heat cycle, is 21 days long. Between day 10 and day 15 they will stand and let a dog mount and breed them. Since your males are apparently not neutered, and you seem concerned about them breeding her, my conclusion was that you were correct.

I don't know anything about emergency contraception and the 21 day pill is not well used and doesn't work more times than it does. Most vets in the USA use spaying and neutering to prevent puppies even after breeding.