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My Rottweiler has cancer

18 15:10:58

My beautiful rotty Angel has been diagnosed with bone cancer. She has a severe arrhythmia also since being diagnosed. She is breathing more heavily as well. She has lost over 20 pounds in the last 2 months (110 to 90 pounds.
The last 2 days I noticed when she sleeps she is drooling. She never did that before. Does that mean she's getting near the end?
I want to put her down when the time is right. But I don't want to rob her of any precious enjoyment she may be able to get out of life. She lays around most of the time, but in the afternoon she has been going out to lay in the sun and look around and bark at the neighbors (That's her fun!). She still picks her head up to greet us when we walk by. She seems interested in her surroundings still. She looks like she's lost more weight since being weighed at the vet's office. The vet tech I talked to today said that when she gets too emaciated her kidneys will fail and it will be an unpleasant death for her. I will not let that happen. We will give her a dignified death that a beautiful wonderful faithful companion deserves.
Is the drooling an indication that she is starting to slip away? How do I know when to put her down? I love her so much I don't want to be selfish and make her stay too long, but I don't want her to suffer.
Thank you in advance for your advice.

Oh Tina, I am so sorry to hear this news. I know how terribly heartbreaking it is for you and your family.

I have a quality of life scale that I use to help people know when the time is right. Most of the time the pet will let us know by turning down food. That is always the first criteria I use. However, there are other things that might manifest before they stop eating.
Here are some of the things on the list:

HAPPINESS - Does the pet express joy and interest? Is the pet responsive to things around him or her (family, toys, etc.)? Is the pet depressed, lonely, anxious, bored or afraid?

MOBILITY - Can the patient get up without assistance? Does the pet need human or mechanical help (e.g. a cart)? Does the pet feel like going for a walk?

MORE BAD DAYS THAN GOOD- When bad days outnumber good days, quality of life might be compromised. When a healthy human-animal bond is no longer possible, the caregiver must be made aware the end is near. The decision needs to be made if the pet is suffering. If death comes peacefully and painlessly, that is okay.

HUNGER - Is the pet eating enough? If the pet is refusing food then it's probably time.

Quality of life is measured differently by everyone. If you don't mind cleaning up after a pet that has soiled itself you might not find that to be an issue (not YOU but anyone) but in reality it results in a lack of dignity on the part of the pet. They have been trained all their lives not to soil in the house, so you can imagine the humiliation they feel.
At some point they are not even aware they are doing it.

So these are the things you can watch for Tina. They don't all have to be present. Some times the look in their eyes is all you need to see to know it's time. My beloved companion Cameo gave me that look, and I knew I had to do the hardest thing in my life. She had gone off her food a little, but I felt like she was suffering and she told me so with her eyes.

The drooling is probably a manifestation of the kidneys shutting down. Smell her breath. That will tell you more than anything. If it smells like urine or really bad chicken soup then her kidneys are failing fast. But again, watch for more signs than just that.

I pray you will have someone with you when you make your last journey with Angel. And bless you for knowing that you are giving her a gift we can't even give each other.
Let me know how it goes with her and know I will be there in spirit.
Many warm hugs to you at this painful time.
You are very welcome Tina. Thank you for being such a wonderful pet owner. Your Angel has an Angel of a "Mom" too and I know that she knew it.
Again, Hugs to you and to your beautiful girl. She will always be with you as Cameo is with me constantly.