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female dog is whiny ,cant get comfortable and tail is going to side

18 14:41:46

My female dog of 1 year is acting strange she is whiny and can't seem to get comfortable and is biting at tail end but yet she still plays ,is this a sign of heat and or a sign of blockage

I don't know what kind of blockage you are referring to. She should already be spayed but it isn't a sign of heat.

Usually when a dog is whining and biting at her tail it's because she has hurt it somehow, or she has a lot of fleas and that's the main place they congregate and they are biting her.

We have seen dogs walk sideways like sidewinder snakes from fleas driving them nuts. We have also seen dogs that have broken their tails do this.

Check her for fleas really closely and have someone else look also. Get her wet back there and see if the water runs off red. If it does she has flea dirt all over her back end. It is the most common thing that causes this.

But like I said, if they hurt their tails or their lower back they will act this way.
If she is flea free then call the vet because she has injured herself somehow.