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18 14:41:36


I have a terrier for the past 19 years but i fear that now might be the time to put him down. He keeps walking into things because he is blind, he is no longer able to bark and some days he will not eat and has difficulty walking. also he is deaf which means we can no longer allow him to run around outside for fear he will be rolled over by a car. can you please advise if you think it is time to put him to sleep..thanks...Stephen

Hi Stephen,
I know that this is a very hard decision for you to make. Many of us wish our pets would just go to sleep and not wake up so that we didn't have to make it at all.

But you have been his companion for 19 years and he looks to you for all the things he needs, including the gift of ending his suffering.

You have to ask yourself about his quality of Life more than anything at this point Stephen.
Is he happy? Does he have more bad days than good ones? Is he enjoying himself or is he just getting by day to day? Can he move without pain?  

If most of your answers are no, or you know in your heart that his quality of life isn't good, then it's time.

When a pet stops eating that is their way of telling you that they are ready. It is a very hard thing to carry your best friend of 19 years into the vets and have him put to sleep but if you continue to remember that it is a gift you are giving him it really helps.

I speak from fairly recent experience on this one. I had to make this painful decision for my 15 year old cat who was fine one day and in kidney failure the next day. I waited for her to tell me when it was time, and she did about a week later. I treated her at home but one day I found her under the bed, refusing to eat for a few days. I saw the look in her eyes and knew it was time.

I held her and my boss did the deed. It was very hard, but knowing in my heart that I was doing the right thing for her, and ending her pain, was a blessing for us both. It helped me with my grief as well.

So I guess basically what I am saying Stephen is that while this is a very painful decision to make, you making it is a gift to your sweet little dog. You will miss him terribly (I lost a 19 year old cat as well in 1999 so I know how hard this is) because he has been like a child to you or a brother for 19 years, but just know that he is looking to you to help him out.

My prayers and thoughts will be with you.