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my dog has itching in ear

18 14:41:36

hello,  i have a nine month old female dog, she has itching in right ear since two months. from last three days she has intense itch in her ear, she has some papule in her pinna . today she rubbed her ear so much much that some blood comes out , she had wax in her ear, i removed the wax , i used to clean her ear once a week. what to do, please prescribe good medicine , and tell me the method to clean her ear and other measures to take care or her ear . her another ear seems healthy and has no itch and papule . please send me your reply soon , thank you.

She probably has an bacterial or a yeast infection or ear mites deep in the ear canal.  The best thing to do is to have a vet do a deep ear cleaning and see what is down in the deep part of the ear canal.  Then hey can prescribe medication for the proper treatment.