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Feline Question

18 14:28:21

Hi. My cat is 4 months old and she had her first heat a few weeks ago but her clitoris is still swollen. She also has runny watery poop that smells extreamly bad. I've changed the brand of cat litter recently but I haven't changed her food in a few months now. Do you know if this is a sign of anything, and should I get her checked out?

When a cat comes into heat they are out only for a few days then they go back into for 3 more weeks until they are bred or winter sets in.

Her vulva could be swollen for many reasons, but mostly because she is back into heat again.

You need to get her into the vets NOW and get her spayed. 4 months old is way to young to have kittens but she WILL get pregnant if she is outside for even a half hour.

Call your vet today and get her in to get spayed or at least get an appointment for her soon.

While it's not common for cats to come into heat at this age, it is more unusual that they are at 4 months and in the fall. We have seen plenty of pregnant 4 month cats and it's not a good thing.

Her food is probably causing the nasty smelling stool if you are feeding her store bought grocery store food. It is extremely low quality food and will make her stool smell because she can't digest a lot of it.
Get her on Science Diet Kitten Growth because she is still a kitten. That food will make her stool very small and hardly smell at all because it is very high quality and she will digest almost all of it. It also provides her with optimal nutrition so she won't need to eat as much. When she is a year old you can then switch her to Science Diet adult.

But please, call today and get her in for surgery. She will be a grateful cat!! You can also get the Science Diet Kitten Growth at the vets. :-)