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Ticks on my dogs

18 15:42:52

I found a couple of lumps on my dogs the last couple days some looked like dry spots some looked like a black and natural puss sack we tried to puncture the pussy looking ones and my husband decided to pullone off well it turns out they were obviously whey imbedded ticks because when he pulled them out I said or my god its movingwhat we are wondering is we are not sure we got the heads out and on one of the dogs the lump is just a hard lump that we cannot see that there is anything it it,is there anything we should be putting on these spots? in trying to figure out what they were we discovered  

If you did not get the heads out, there may be a lump there for a while until the body can either digest them or surround them with scar tissue.  I recommend putting an amitraz collar (Preventic) and using Frontline TopSpot on the dog.  Ask your vet about these products.