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dog food reactions

18 15:10:34

My rottweiler/shepherd puppy (11 months) ate dinner and then a few homemade carob dog treats.  Afterward she vomited and is now wanting to do nothing but eat grass and whining.  Would this be a reaction to the carob?  What can I give her to settle her stomach?

She might have eaten too much. She could have twisted her stomach if she was playing afterward. If that is the case you HAVE to rush her to an emergency Vet as this is a fatal condition. If it's been longer than 20 minutes then that isn't the case and she might just have a tummy ache from the treats or the food.

You can give her some pepto bismol, about two teaspoons full. If she is still sick in the morning don't feed her and call the vet.

I wouldn't give her any more of those treats either.