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Doberman with epileptic symptoms

18 15:17:07

Good evening Marie,

I have a 1 year old female Doberman who has been spayed and is up to to date on all her vaccinations. Approximately 3 weeks ago, while out on a walk, she suddenly tensed up, stared off into space and barked uncontrollably for about 2 minutes. I was able to calm her down with some difficulty, but the same thing happened again about 30 minutes later.

Last week, while at an off-leash park, the same thing happened, and she bolted into a nearby woods and fell down a ravine while I tried to run after her. All the while, she was barking as if in mortal danger.

A few days ago, my dog suffered what appears to have been a seizure at home; while laying on her side, she arched her back, convulsed and let out a frothy moan for a good 30 seconds.

During all of these episodes (outside and inside), she lost control of her bladder and also was extremely disoriented afterwards for up to 20 minutes.

I took her to the vet at the beginning of this week, and her bloodwork and 4DX came back negative.

Up until this, my dog has been completely healthy, except for a greenish/yellow discharge from her eyes which has lasted about 3 weeks and a tick which was removed about a month ago.

My vet has suggested that we try her on anti-convulsants, but I don't know whether to wait a little bit longer and see if this is a recurring problem or if I should start the medication now.

My questions are: (1) Is there any serious harm in starting anti-convulsant medication without knowing exactly what the underlying cause is? and (2) Could the eye discharge be related to the seizures, ie. some kind of infection or virus?

thanks for your time.

Hello - Oh boy, poor kid.  I would have the vet test her for Lymes Disease.  Next, I would start on the anit-convulsants... YES, she need this.  Many times seizures are never explained or diagnosed.

Please start her ASAP on phenobarbital or the drug of your VET's choice.

Yes, green discharge could be a virus, too.  Lymes disease is just a guess... worth checking .

As for her health - Please start her on some NuVet Plus - This is a great vitamin supplement/ IMMUNE system Booster.  She needs this for her wellbeing and stability.
NuVET is Human Grade vitamins and herbs made in an FDA approved lab in California.
Please order here:  Not sold in any stores
NuVET Plus wafers - She will need just one per day.
Use order Code 81098 , They can't sell to the public without a code. ( this is a breeder's kennel code for purchase)
Only about .55 cents per day for the NuVET PLUS

As for the follow - up ******* Your vet will check her blood every month or two to make sure she has the lowest dosage possible of anit-convulsant medication.  It is very safe and well monitored.

Please let me know how it all goes with the vet .....????

Marie Peppers
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Here is a link on Seizure meds: